New Chapter Leadership coming in August
AFS Chapters succeed when they have regular injections of new leadership. While being President of the Chapter may not be the most demanding thing I will ever do professionally, it does take a certain amount of dedication, innovation, and a willingness to pass the torch when the time comes.
To that end, and keeping in line with the national election season we are enduring at present, I’ll be rotating out a President at this year’s Annual meeting; we need a Secretary as the position is vacant. Once I leave the President’s slot, Ward Slacum will rotate out of the Immediate Past President role automatically.
Secretary-Elect Erin Wilkinson
Fishery Management Specialist with the Office of Sustainable Fisheries at NOAA Fisheries
Erin is a Fishery Management Specialist with the Office of Sustainable Fisheries at NOAA Fisheries. Erin received her B.S. degree in marine science from the University of Maine in 2008 and her M.S. in marine science from the University of New England in 2012. Her master’s thesis addressed consumptive and non-consumptive effects on juvenile lobster in southern Maine. Specifically, her research focused on striped bass and juvenile lobster interactions as well as anti-predator responses of juvenile lobster to the presence of some of their fish predators such as cod and striped bass. Erin loves lobster- both as a study subject and as dinner! She is also an avid traveler and spent 13 consecutive months living and working as support staff at the Amundsen Scott South Pole Station in Antarctica. Erin has been a member of AFS for a few years and is excited to become more involved with the Potomac Chapter.