Philip Hoffman: Ecosystem Research Science Challenge Workshop (2011) White Paper
The NOAA Research Council convened the Ecosystem Research Science Challenge Workshop (ERSCW) to further address two of NOAA’s science challenges that were identified in the 2010 NOAA “Workshop on Strengthening NOAA Science.” These were to: Assess and understand the roles of ecosystem processes and biodiversity in sustaining ecosystem services; and Develop and evaluate approaches to substantially reduce environmental degradation.
The NOAA Research Council also sought to use the ERSCW as a forum to solicit input on NOAA’s forthcoming Ecosystem Research Agenda and the science necessary to support it. With that charge, the workshop organizing committee structured the workshop around a vision for ecosystem research at NOAA: a comprehensive Ecosystem Research Agenda would strategically align and integrate the agency’s science assets, partnerships, and capabilities to facilitate the research needed to support the sustainable use, protection, and restoration of coastal and marine ecosystems, as well as the ecosystem services they provide.